Saturday, 20 June 2009

Wednesday 17th June – ½ day host~ Senda family
Had the morning off school today because they had exams all day, so really I had the whole day off but I always have Wednesday afternoons off. So lunch time I headed off to rotary, and then with my third half day hosts. We visited his company and met most of the family then went to Fushiki and did a boat cruise before picking their 18 year old granddaughter Kaede up from school and heading to the Takaoka manyo history museum. After that we headed off to Dinner at a yakiniku restaurant! I love yakiniku!

Thursday 18th + Friday 19th June
School. But instead of just saying that I decided I will tell you about the classes I'm currently taking because I don’t believe I have done that with my second year classes.
Maths 1: to me this stuff is really pretty simple, we are doing logs at the moment. But that is only because I have already done it in Australia, you have to remember that I'm about ¼ of the way through year 11 here. Does make this stuff a lot easier, and as maths is really a language of its own this is fine. Unless you get a really wordy question that has lots of kanji, but then I play the match kanji game…. One of my friends wrote out the more common kanji that is used in maths and the pronunciation and meanings of them for me so I am getting there with learning them and can generally figure out what the question is asking me to do. It does help that for this I do actually have a test book.
Maths 2: this is a little harder than Maths 1 I will give it that but I still do not at all find it challenging and I don’t see how they are actually learning anything. Here all they seem to do is pick a student and get them to write their answer to the homework on the board and then correct it if nessaceray, and this is what they do every lesson. I don't have a textbook for this so I can’t actually do the questions ahead of time but have no issue doing them in class anyway. Still I get very board in this class.
English ra( writing): probably the English class that I enjoy the most because I can actually do it as well, this, most of the time is translation sentences. And again one student writing the answer on the board and then going through them as a class correcting. I have fun challenging myself to understand the Japanese, it’s just the kanji that is hard! And then figuring out as many possible ways as I can to say it in English. I do quiet often get stumped when what's written on the board isn’t quite right. And I know it’s not right but I can’t think of the right way to say it! It’s annoying to know that my English is detraining! Because really the only time I use it now is when I'm on my computer, either typing my blog or things on the internet, and even half my internet things are in Japanese.
English R (reading): I get board as all hell in this class because there is really no interaction we read a book, repeat after the CD sentence by sentence. Pronounce words the American way, or just plain wrong …. I've asked the Americans and it’s not how they say it either. And then the teacher goes through and gives a Japanese explanation to it.
English 2 (communication): I like this one better than reading, and I do enjoy Friday lessons of it better than Wednesdays. On Wednesdays we have the Alt running them and because she’s American I'm of no use in these classes. However on Fridays it is just the teacher and I get to help out a bit more, and I enjoy English lessons where I feel like I'm being useful a lot better than just sitting there. This is supposed to be a class just in English and for the most it is, though they do get a few Japanese explanations here and there, on the more complex things. We read a passage and then do comprehension question on it, some multi choice some true/false question then we are given definitions of words and have to find the word from within the passage, or a different form of the word from the passage. And then the last section requires us to write sentences as our answers to questions. At the end of the lesson they are given a Japanese translation of the passage that we read that day and detailed explanations of the grammar points.
Computers: I do what I understand and the rest of the time I read the news on the internet, though I do seem to get most of this… we made mini movies the other day, like the ones you get by flicking through pages of a book sort comic animations. Very fun though.
Home ec: we cook pretty much every second week and are on the computers every other week either finding recipes or doing a write up about what we did last cooking lesson I don’t really understand the computer lessons but I do enjoy the cooking ones.
Pe: always involves lots of running! L and then various other things, we have done basketball, lessons of stretches, track and field events ect.
Hpe: I have no clue what’s going on in this half the time, it’s all book work!
2B (Japanese history): I understand bits and pieces of this, sometimes because we will talk about the same topic for a few lessons so in the first lesson I will pick up the years and cities or major people we are talking about come home and Google them and read up about it in English which then allows me to understand a lot more of it the next lesson.
2L (biology): I find this almost as easy as I do their maths lesson except that this actually requires more language skills, but as I said before you have to remember that I'm in the start of year 11 here, and I did do biol in Australia thus it’s not new work and that greatly helps in my ability to understand what is going on. I have on occasion even managed to complete the worksheets with in class time, again the kanji factor just means it takes time, but I also have a lot of common kanji for biol as well. Thanks to the same friend that made my list for maths.

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