a statue in kanazawa which ayumi failed to see why i found amusing

Ayumi at Karaoke

i dont know what to call this (help anyone) but its cool ... at the art gallery in kanazawa
my room at the onsen

my host parents dinenr

on the way to dinner
at the onsen

some more plum flowers ... we will have Sakura soon!!!

at the tea cerimoy admiring some of the more valuable vessels

the sweets the big grean ones in the right dish are hte really expensive ones

okasan making tea at the tea cerimoy ... thats the main guest right next to the action

some of the art at the tea cerimony

one of my friends at school

at a shrine on one of my longer walks

the bank which is "famous" for its red bricks

a view of my school from the rotary meeting

the Hinamatsuri dolls in our house

at the ski resort
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