making the cake for my welcome party
Tuesday 10th February
So I wore my uniform for the first time today and I'm sick of people telling me it looks cute. But sigh. Had a day full of spares today really, because my class had a day full of tests, but I still had to come to school for my Japanese lesson and club after school. So I went to the liabary for a bit and studied and then had my Japanese lesson in the computer room. At lunch I went back to the classroom to spend it with my friends then back up here to the computer room it was to catch up on emails and the like. I'm sorry if I haven’t got round to replying to you yet I'm trying but it takes time which I don’t really have much of at the moment. Went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner tonight, was fairly nice …. I like shark soup
Wednesday 11th February
National holiday today from my understanding it’s the national day. But I could be wrong there. So there was no school as such but I still had brass band club. Um got home from that and had lunch slept a bit read a bit um went to the shops with okasan not a lot really a bit of a lazy day which was good.
Also just a random fact today marks the longest time I've continually been in Japan.
Thursday 12th February
School um yeah not much to say at all. Except I think that the way they teach English is hard. Like really hard.
Friday 13th February
So I've decided that from now on the Monday – Friday week (while I'm at school) is going to be done in one entry unless something really exciting happens during a week. But I doubt it.
Anyway school again today and gosh sooo much cake, because it’s valentine’s day tomorrow and they do is somewhat differently here. Girls give gifts on valentine’s day to all of their friend’s yes this includes boys. And then a month later on white day (the 14th of march) boys are required to give presents back to anyone who gave them a present and then anyone else they may want to.
After school today the English speaking club threw me a welcome party which was really cool. We made cakes and cooked some other stew thing which was nice but as with most things it was all fish. The alt (assistant language teacher… she is American) and I then started joking that the cake was made of fish as well and of course this very much confused all the Japanese girls that were listening to us. I gave them all pins and key rings from my huge stash of Australian stuff.
I did a load of washing tonight, not that you really need to know that and I'm currently waiting for the dryer to finish so I can go to bed. Because I have band tomorrow and on Sunday.
Saturday 14th February ~ Valentines’ day
Had band rehearsal this morning. And I was given another 3 cakes for valentine’s day by people in band as well as some cookies and some lollies. I swear that in the 3 weeks I've been here I've eaten as much cake as I would at home in a year. Anyway band wasn’t to bad spent over an hour doing warm up exercises and what not but I intend on doing a band write up in the near future so I will leave the details for that.
After band I came home and we had lunch and a bit of a rest then okasan and I went out for the afternoon. We first of all walked to the train station and she taught me how to read the bus maps and what not, so we caught the bus to Aeon which is kind of like a Westfield but also somewhat reminds me of the Myre centre and went and saw mamma mia which was cool, its audio was in English which made it awesomely easy for me to watch, but it had Japanese subtitles so I actually spent half the movie reading them.
We are going back to the movies in 2 weeks to see Australia which I think is really ironic, but you know.
After the movie we had an ice-cream because we were actually kind of hot, as we had a heavy jackets on coz we were walking a lot of places today and the shops are heated that you don’t at all need them.
We then walked to Zuiryuji temple (yes the same place I went to on the 30th of January) because it had a special light viewing thing tonight and a huge markets in front of its gates, was really cool but very crowed though it was beautiful and a wonderful atmosphere we bought dinner there but came home to eat it as we also brought Otosan’s dinner, but he didn’t come out with us as he has a cold.
Got band again tomorrow and I'm not really looking forward to this next week, they aren’t expecting it to get above 5 degrees the entire week.
Sunday 15th February
So band again this morning not that intresting at all. Home for lunch which was pizza, which for some reason really reminded me of Abbey (my grandma) I guess they were like the pizzas that we sometimes have at her house.
Okasan and I then went for a walk to the trainstation the arcade where the 100 yen shop is had all these random shops on the road today …the reason we went to the trainstation is there was a food of takaoka market there or something like that is was food from this reagion well that’s what okasan said. After that we walked back home had a drink and then drove to toyama, Okasan showed me where she went to school and then we went to her parents kimono shop where I met her mum and little brother. I was shown around the shop and got to try on a $4000 kimono (actually more atm that’s working on an easier better exchange rate) and that’s just the kimono itself not any of the other stuff you wear with it like the obi or anything and let me tell you they don’t go on fast at all. And they didn’t even do my obi properly just so it stayed for the photos and looked good from the front.
I then went to the department store for a wander while okasan did what she had to do at the store with her mum. We then came home and I decided to type up today’s entry before I add the last few days of my blog and as I type this its only 5 degrees outside and just 12 in here in my room because I haven’t bothered turning my heater on as shortly I’ll be going downstairs to put this on the interwebs for all of you to read.
And as okasan pointed out to me it’s been 3 weeks since I got here. Wow it really doesn’t seem that long. So that also makes it the longest I've ever not seen my family for, with the previous being at Googa were we saw each other at the 3 week mark on family day.
oh and i had eel for dinner tongith it doesnt taste to bad and not very much like fish at all which is ftw
So I wore my uniform for the first time today and I'm sick of people telling me it looks cute. But sigh. Had a day full of spares today really, because my class had a day full of tests, but I still had to come to school for my Japanese lesson and club after school. So I went to the liabary for a bit and studied and then had my Japanese lesson in the computer room. At lunch I went back to the classroom to spend it with my friends then back up here to the computer room it was to catch up on emails and the like. I'm sorry if I haven’t got round to replying to you yet I'm trying but it takes time which I don’t really have much of at the moment. Went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner tonight, was fairly nice …. I like shark soup
Wednesday 11th February
National holiday today from my understanding it’s the national day. But I could be wrong there. So there was no school as such but I still had brass band club. Um got home from that and had lunch slept a bit read a bit um went to the shops with okasan not a lot really a bit of a lazy day which was good.
Also just a random fact today marks the longest time I've continually been in Japan.
Thursday 12th February
School um yeah not much to say at all. Except I think that the way they teach English is hard. Like really hard.
Friday 13th February
So I've decided that from now on the Monday – Friday week (while I'm at school) is going to be done in one entry unless something really exciting happens during a week. But I doubt it.
Anyway school again today and gosh sooo much cake, because it’s valentine’s day tomorrow and they do is somewhat differently here. Girls give gifts on valentine’s day to all of their friend’s yes this includes boys. And then a month later on white day (the 14th of march) boys are required to give presents back to anyone who gave them a present and then anyone else they may want to.
After school today the English speaking club threw me a welcome party which was really cool. We made cakes and cooked some other stew thing which was nice but as with most things it was all fish. The alt (assistant language teacher… she is American) and I then started joking that the cake was made of fish as well and of course this very much confused all the Japanese girls that were listening to us. I gave them all pins and key rings from my huge stash of Australian stuff.
I did a load of washing tonight, not that you really need to know that and I'm currently waiting for the dryer to finish so I can go to bed. Because I have band tomorrow and on Sunday.
Saturday 14th February ~ Valentines’ day
Had band rehearsal this morning. And I was given another 3 cakes for valentine’s day by people in band as well as some cookies and some lollies. I swear that in the 3 weeks I've been here I've eaten as much cake as I would at home in a year. Anyway band wasn’t to bad spent over an hour doing warm up exercises and what not but I intend on doing a band write up in the near future so I will leave the details for that.
After band I came home and we had lunch and a bit of a rest then okasan and I went out for the afternoon. We first of all walked to the train station and she taught me how to read the bus maps and what not, so we caught the bus to Aeon which is kind of like a Westfield but also somewhat reminds me of the Myre centre and went and saw mamma mia which was cool, its audio was in English which made it awesomely easy for me to watch, but it had Japanese subtitles so I actually spent half the movie reading them.
We are going back to the movies in 2 weeks to see Australia which I think is really ironic, but you know.
After the movie we had an ice-cream because we were actually kind of hot, as we had a heavy jackets on coz we were walking a lot of places today and the shops are heated that you don’t at all need them.
We then walked to Zuiryuji temple (yes the same place I went to on the 30th of January) because it had a special light viewing thing tonight and a huge markets in front of its gates, was really cool but very crowed though it was beautiful and a wonderful atmosphere we bought dinner there but came home to eat it as we also brought Otosan’s dinner, but he didn’t come out with us as he has a cold.
Got band again tomorrow and I'm not really looking forward to this next week, they aren’t expecting it to get above 5 degrees the entire week.
Sunday 15th February
So band again this morning not that intresting at all. Home for lunch which was pizza, which for some reason really reminded me of Abbey (my grandma) I guess they were like the pizzas that we sometimes have at her house.
Okasan and I then went for a walk to the trainstation the arcade where the 100 yen shop is had all these random shops on the road today …the reason we went to the trainstation is there was a food of takaoka market there or something like that is was food from this reagion well that’s what okasan said. After that we walked back home had a drink and then drove to toyama, Okasan showed me where she went to school and then we went to her parents kimono shop where I met her mum and little brother. I was shown around the shop and got to try on a $4000 kimono (actually more atm that’s working on an easier better exchange rate) and that’s just the kimono itself not any of the other stuff you wear with it like the obi or anything and let me tell you they don’t go on fast at all. And they didn’t even do my obi properly just so it stayed for the photos and looked good from the front.
I then went to the department store for a wander while okasan did what she had to do at the store with her mum. We then came home and I decided to type up today’s entry before I add the last few days of my blog and as I type this its only 5 degrees outside and just 12 in here in my room because I haven’t bothered turning my heater on as shortly I’ll be going downstairs to put this on the interwebs for all of you to read.
And as okasan pointed out to me it’s been 3 weeks since I got here. Wow it really doesn’t seem that long. So that also makes it the longest I've ever not seen my family for, with the previous being at Googa were we saw each other at the 3 week mark on family day.
oh and i had eel for dinner tongith it doesnt taste to bad and not very much like fish at all which is ftw
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